Year: 2018

A Time for Hope

This week’s snow has complicated the end of the semester. Students, faculty and staff scramble to make adjustments, finding new ways to do the work that needs doing. Hopes of a smooth end to the semester are replaced by dogged

Season of Snowballs and Stories

This is the final week of classes and final exams begin next week (what kind of crazy is that?). Everything is quickly winding up; there does not seem to be a free moment anywhere in the schedule, and questions seem

Leaving Behind Santa for the Divine

I was recently reminded of the following quote from the English author, Karen Armstrong: We often learn about God at about the same time as we are learning about Santa Claus; but our ideas about Santa Claus change, mature, and

Thankfulness In All Things

I am preaching in Richmond on Sunday at Seventh Street Christian Church. This week the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) receives the Thanksgiving Offering…the Disciples Special Offering that supports higher education in the denomination. Part of my work at the

My Dad, Proud to Serve His Country

I am the daughter of a Marine. Life as a military dependent molded me, prepared me, and made me the fierce, resilient woman I am today. Growing up in a world where your circle of friends changes every four years

Finding Comfort in Chaos

In re-reading previously published Chaplain’s Corner articles, I came across one I wrote in May 2013. In light of what happened this past weekend, and the seemingly endless ways chaos invades our world, it seemed fitting to reprint this article

Change Is in the Air

Change is all around us. October is a good example of this. October is usually the time when most areas truly begin to experience fall. Here in Lynchburg, October is when things begin to change. Leaves fall, it gets cooler,

It’s Time to Get Your Flu Shot

If I was into conspiracy theories, I would balk at the idea of having a needle put into my arm to ward off the possibility of getting sick. I have had the flu and it was awful. It was NOT

Support Via Love, Goodness, and Puppies

Last week’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearings with Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford were difficult for many people across our nation. Regardless of one’s personal opinions of the hearings, the public discourse caused millions of survivors of assault

Synonymous with Change

Propel, propel, propel your craft, Softly down the liquid solution, Happily, Happily, Happily, Happily, Existence is but an illusion. Did you recognize “Row, Row, Row, Your Boat”? At my house we have lots of silly verses to the childhood favorite,
