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My Son the Deer Whisperer
Published 5/8/2024 in Holy MOLY!
We were staying with friends at an Airbnb in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania recently. It was a great weekend catching up with friends. We spent the weekend enjoying good food, deep conversations, board games, and time outside enjoying nature.  While we were there, I learned something new about my son: he’s a deer whisperer. Every day, numerous deer would walk up to the house. more ❯
We Are Enough
Published 5/2/2024 in Holy MOLY!
We have final exams, papers, and projects. We have annual reports, assessments, and grading. We have so much to do, and it may all seem so urgent. Hopefully, we remember to breathe. Hopefully, we remember to have compassion for ourselves and for others. The chaos that some experience during this time of year can be overwhelming, but we must remember to do our very best and to more ❯
With Deep Grief and Sympathy
Published 4/24/2024 in Holy MOLY!
We have suffered a great loss and our university is reeling with grief. As was announced yesterday, Frank Csorba, an undergraduate alumnus in criminology and graduate student in the master of public health program, passed away.  Frank entered this world on December 12th, 2000, and departed our lives and this world on April 23rd, 2024. He will be missed dearly by his parents, Jessica more ❯
The Power of Names
Published 4/22/2024 in Holy MOLY!
Last week Laura Anderson spoke to a crowded Sydnor Auditorium about religious trauma. For those of you unable to attend, Laura is a licensed psychotherapist and author of the recently published When Religion Hurts You. She describes religious trauma as the body’s response to overwhelming experiences that happen within religion, especially what she describes as “high-control religion.” more ❯
The Special Spark Within
Published 4/10/2024 in Holy MOLY!
I have a recurring dream. My grandfather, Grandfather Wise, holds out his coffee-colored hand and takes me for a walk on the land I purchased some years ago. In this dream, we do not talk. I confess that I can no longer remember the sound of his voice. We communicate through our heart; words are not necessary.  We stop and stare at bluebells, my favorite flower. There are more ❯
Divine Presence
Published 4/3/2024 in Holy MOLY!
Last Thursday, I was on campus late. I had just finished attending a wonderful lecture by a visiting scholar, Dr. Sawyer Kemp, and I was walking from the Memorial Ballroom back to my car. The wind was blowing in the way that wind often does—majestically and softly. I stopped at the big tree near Carnegie. I notice this tree a lot. I often find myself wanting to wrap my arms more ❯
Unconditional Love: Our Deep Inner Being
Published 3/21/2024 in Holy MOLY!
I have learned so much about compassion and unconditional love from watching my mother, Penny. I have seen her care for countless family members as they have finished their earthly time. I have witnessed her forgive those who have deeply wronged her. I have observed her see the best in me even when I could not. How can I be more like Penny? Perhaps, the answer can be found in more ❯
The Vastness of Cathedrals, the Smallness of Me
Published 3/21/2024 in Holy MOLY!
Last week, I climbed to the top of the Washington National Cathedral. I was unaware how tall the second tallest church building in the U.S. truly was until I was standing at the top of it. No one had warned me. And if someone did, I might have decided to stay on the ground floor. A good friend of mine who works at the Washington National Cathedral had promised to take me on a more ❯
Poet or Prophet?
Published 3/21/2024 in Holy MOLY!
He winded along the sidewalk, his boots instinctively hugging the edge of the circle sandwiched between Schewel and Snidow before his feet gave a hard turn, descending him ever closer to the university chapel, with Chaplain Nathan Albert excitingly keeping step and chatting away, matching stride for stride. British poet Jay Hulme simultaneously carried with him an air of confidence and humility, more ❯
Peacebuilding Through Spirituality and the Arts
Published 3/21/2024 in Holy MOLY!
In my time as a Graduate Assistant at the Spiritual Life Center, there has been a lot to learn. Originally, I thought that it would be a daunting task to assist in supporting students who came from many different cultures, backgrounds, and religions, that while beautiful and diverse, were mostly unfamiliar to me. However, during my time here, I have found that each of these boil down to more ❯