Star Struck


In August 1977, a radio telescope operated by Ohio State University, and being used to support the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI), detected a strong signal whose explanation has remained a mystery for nearly fifty years. Despite extensive searches, the signal never repeated, and nothing like it has ever been detected since. But some scientists poring over old data from the now-defunct Arecibo Telescope think they might have an answer.

What was the Wow! signal?

Ohio State’s Big Ear telescope conducted a search for extraterrestrial intelligence from 1973 to 1995. The assumption was that a strong radio signal at a specific frequency would be evidence of an intelligent origin. On the night of August 15, 1977, a very strong signal of very specific frequency was detected. A few days later, a volunteer working at the observatory to analyze the data discovered the signal on a computer printout. His circling of the signal’s intensity and his handwritten comment gave rise to the name.

What do those numbers and letters mean?

Think of the printout as a graph. Each vertical column is a narrow frequency channel. Each horizontal line represents a time interval twelve seconds wide. The numbers and letters represent intensity on a scale that runs from 1 to 9, then continuing from A through the alphabet. Here is another way to look at it that is a little easier to picture.

The telescope swept the sky as it rotated with the Earth, so a source located at a precise spot would only be visible for a minute or so.

Why might this be considered a possible sign of intelligence?

For years, SETI scientists have postulated that a signal at a frequency of 1420 MHz would be a logical choice for interstellar communication. It lies in a quiet window with little interference or absorption from either galactic or terrestrial sources. That frequency is one specific to hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence…

Any observation that cannot be replicated must remain in the “Who knows?” category. But in a preprint submitted in August, three scientists poring through data from the Arecibo Telescope found something they think might explain the Wow! signal.

A very brief and very rare source of radiation could, at least theoretically, cause a laser-like emission of radiation from a cloud of hydrogen. (Since the emission is of microwaves rather than light, the scrupulously correct term is maser.) The authors observed many signals similar to that observed in 1977, but of much lower intensity.

Here is a portion of the abstract from their submission. It has not yet been peer reviewed; the original can be found here.

  • The methods, frequency, and bandwidth of these observations are similar to those used to detect the Wow! Signal. However, our observations are more sensitive, have better temporal resolution, and include polarization measurements. We report the detection of narrowband signals (∆ν ≤ 10 kHz) near the hydrogen line similar to the Wow! Signal, although two orders of magnitude less intense and in multiple locations. Despite the similarities, these signals are easily identifiable as due to interstellar clouds of cold hydrogen (HI) in the galaxy. We hypothesize that the Wow! Signal was caused by sudden brightening from stimulated emission of the hydrogen line due to a strong transient radiation source, such as a magnetar flare or a soft gamma repeater (SGR). These are very rare events that depend on special conditions and alignments, where these clouds might become much brighter for seconds to minutes. The original source or the cloud might not be detectable, depending on the sensitivity of the telescope or because the maximum brightness might arrive seconds later to the observer. The precise location of the Wow! Signal might be determined by searching for transient radio sources behind the cold hydrogen clouds in the corresponding region. Our hypothesis explains all observed properties of the Wow! Signal, proposes a new source of false positives in technosignature searches, and suggests that the Wow! Signal could be the first recorded event of an astronomical maser flare in the hydrogen line.

The epigraph for this section was popularized by Carl Sagan, one of the foremost proponents of SETI. It’s a version of Occam’s Razor, in that a simpler explanation is preferred to a more complicated one. Magnetars and masers may not seem simple to you, but they are far simpler than aliens attempting to communicate!

Space Travel For Real

How difficult is interstellar travel? I’m a huge fan of space travel both real and imagined, and have followed the voyages of the Starship Enterprise since its earliest manifestations. But warp engines aren’t real, and cheating the universe’s speed limit of the speed of light requires physics of the most speculative sort. What would it take, for real, to send a human to the nearest exoplanet, Proxima Centauri b, 4.22 light years away?

This artist’s impression shows a view of the surface of the planet Proxima b orbiting the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri, the closest star to the Solar System. The double star Alpha Centauri AB also appears in the image to the upper-right of Proxima itself. Proxima b is a little more massive than the Earth and orbits in the habitable zone around Proxima Centauri, where the temperature is suitable for liquid water to exist on its surface.

Let’s keep the physics real while giving ourselves every advantage that we can. We’ll start off by making this a solo one-way journey. One person requires less in the way of life support to keep them alive. Getting there is hard enough! Getting back would be at least twice as hard.

The fully loaded Space Shuttle Orbiter had a mass a little shy of 150 U.S. tons, much of which was payload not designed to support the crew. Let’s be generous to our brave astronaut and provide them with a 300 ton craft. They will have a greenhouse on board that will recycle carbon dioxide, help supplement oxygen, and supply fresh food. There will be perfect recycling of water and waste. Life support, let’s assume, will not be an issue. We will have adequate shielding so that the effects of cosmic radiation will be minimized to the extent possible.

And let’s not subject our crew to the deleterious effects of prolonged weightlessness. We’ll get them there as fast as possible, accelerating to the halfway point, then decelerating to arrive at our destination and stop without zooming by. Accelerating at 1g all the way, we’ll experience normal weight.

This will get us to a maximum velocity of nearly 95% c (95% of the speed of light) at the halfway point. At those velocities, relativistic effects are significant. While our trip takes a little less than six years for Mission Control on Earth, our intrepid space voyager experiences the passage of only a little more than three and a half years. Save the Oreos for the halfway flip over and arrival ceremonies.

What would it take? If we assume 100% efficient fuel that converts all its mass into the equivalent energy, our 300 ton spacecraft would have to carry more than 11,000 tons of fuel. And traveling at those incredible speeds means that shielding better be really good, not only to protect against cosmic radiation that will arrive from head on with greater force. A dust speck at these speeds can wreak devastation. Remember that a 15 gram bullet does no damage if dropped on your foot. But fired from a gun at 250 meters per second? Quite a different story.

Sending three men on a two week long voyage to our nearest celestial neighbor more than fifty years ago stretched our technology to the limit, and we haven’t repeated the feat since. Interplanetary travel is likely a couple of decades away. Interstellar travel by humans will remain in the realm of science fiction for any foreseeable future.

You can play with your own real physics based trips at this handy site.


Another Black Eye for Boeing


What is the problem with Starliner?

Two problems showed up as the spacecraft approached the International Space Station (ISS) back in June.

  • Five of the 28 thrusters used to maneuver in orbit malfunctioned. Four were eventually brought back to functionality, and the astronauts were able to dock successfully.
  • There have also been slow helium leaks in the propulsion system. In the weightless environment of space, pressurized helium is used to force fuel and oxidizer into the combustion chamber of a thruster.

The spacecraft got to the ISS, right? So what’s the problem?

If these thrusters were to malfunction during a reentry attempt, the astronauts might be unable to undock, back away from the ISS, and properly orient the spacecraft so that its protective heat shield faced forward.

Why is this a bigger deal for safe reentry than for launch?

When a spacecraft is launched, its path is determined by its launch vehicle, in other words, a rocket. The rocket takes it into orbit. Upon reentry, the spacecraft is on its own, dependent on its thrusters to keep it in the correct orientation to prevent its destruction by frictional heating as it plows into an ever-thickening atmosphere.

Why did NASA overrule Boeing engineers who declared the Starliner safe for reentry?

The interests of the two organizations are obviously in conflict. Boeing’s quality control problems are well-known, and the company is desperate to demonstrate competency in the aerospace industry it dominated for so long. NASA wanted two companies providing human-rated spacecraft for ferrying astronauts to and from the ISS. It provided Boeing with more than $4 billion, and SpaceX with $2.6 billion. Whatever you may think of Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX, that company has demonstrated its clear superiority with fewer taxpayer dollars.

There are a lot of NASA managers who remember all too well the Columbia space shuttle disaster of 2003, when seven astronauts died as the spacecraft disintegrated during reentry. The culture of NASA has shifted since then toward prioritizing the safety of crew members.

Flying into space in inherently risky. If I were a NASA astronaut, I would be grateful for today’s decision.

A Rare Event

There are a few astronomical events that, even though they recur, are once-in-a-lifetime occasions, separated by too much time for all but the luckiest to see twice. For me, Halley’s Comet in 1986 was such an occasion. I lifted my three-year-old son to the eyepiece of my telescope so he could perhaps say, 76 years later, that he had seen the comet twice! In truth, however, he couldn’t really see it, and doesn’t remember the moment. Ah, well.

There is another such event coming up, perhaps by the end of September and very likely before the end of the year. It is a recurrent nova, T Coronae Borealis. This article does a very good job of explaining what it is and how it works.

I have a couple of things to add to that account. If you’re like me, you may read this sentence

  • If people observed these “recurrent novae” when they happened in the past, scientists can compare how light from the system changed in the lead-up to each outburst and look for similar behavior today.

and ask yourself just what that similar behavior might be. Measuring how the brightness of the system changes is the answer. Here is the “light curve” from the last time this nova erupted, in 1946. Brightness increases as you go up the graph.

And if seeing that the nova will lie between Arcturus and M13 doesn’t do much for you, this diagram might help. It shows the sky from about latitude 37 degrees north, at 9:30 pm on September 20. T Coronae Borealis is in the red “bulls-eye.”

Image from The Sky software, created by Neal Sumerlin

Watch the news for word of this! It should be easily visible, but will fade in a few days. And hope for clear skies!

Mars Is Ready For Its Closeup

Why does something look big? Is it because it actually IS big, or is it because it is close to us?

The closest celestial body to the Earth is our Moon. It’s an object that’s very easy to see without any visual aid, visible even in the daytime if you are observant enough. The Sun appears to be the same size as the Moon in our sky, but this is only because the much larger Sun is much farther away. Their actual sizes are much different.

What are the actual relative sizes of the Sun, its eight planets, and our Moon?

Clearly, the moon is not the largest object shown here; in fact, it is the smallest! The largest planet Jupiter is much larger, but even at its closest approach to Earth, it is more than 1500 times more distant than the Moon. At their closest approach, this is how large each of these solar system objects appear from Earth.

The only planet with a surface visible from Earth is Mars. Mercury is too small, too distant, and too close to the Sun. Venus is shrouded with clouds. The other planets have no solid surfaces. But Mars is closest to Earth, and therefore appears largest, at opposition, when it lies along a straight line connecting the Sun, Earth, and Mars.

This happens every 26 months, and next occurs on January 16, 2025.

But because Mars has an orbit that is highly elliptical, not circular, its distance from the Sun and therefore from the Earth varies a good bit. At its closest approach to the Sun, called perihelion, it is 128 million miles away; at its most distant, aphelion, 155 million miles. This opposition unfortunately occurs closer to aphelion than perihelion, and that will be the case well into the 2030s.

Still, if you can get to a telescope in mid-January under clear skies, you should still be able to see the largest dark surface markings, and the bright white polar ice caps should also be visible.

And give a thought while you’re looking to all the human-made hardware that orbits the planet, some inert and some still working, and the landers and rovers—and one helicopter—that rest on and still explore its dusty red surface.

Where Is Earth 2.0?

When all you have is one example, it’s interesting to speculate but hard to draw conclusions.

How Common Are Planets?

For most of my lifetime, we only knew of one star hosting a planetary system: ours. Were the conditions that allowed Sol to host planets from Mercury to Neptune, and smaller objects from rocky remnants to distant ice balls, common? Unusual? Unique?

As we began to better understand how our own planets were formed, and were able to detect signs of incipient formation around other stars, It seemed more and more likely that at least some other stars were orbited by planets, too. This would fall in line with something called the Copernican Principle, which holds that we occupy no special or privileged spot in the universe. It’s anthropocentric, even egotistical, to assert that we are anything out of the ordinary.

Beginning about 30 years ago, we began to acquire instruments, both ground based and space based, sensitive enough to detect the presence of planets around other stars, exoplanets. At present there are more than 5,000 exoplanets whose existence has been confirmed, and thousands more “candidate” detections that require further observations. Planets are indeed common. It seems that, as one study concluded, “…stars are orbited by planets as a rule, rather than the exception”.

How Common Is Life?

The one example we have for the presence of life arose on a planet. While it’s at least conceivable that extraterrestrial life could have an entirely different chemistry from our own, it seems unlikely. After all, hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon are among the most abundant elements present in the universe. Water and carbon-based life on a planetary surface is “life as we know it,” and looking for conditions that can support that is a logical search strategy. That means searching for rocky planets orbiting their stars in the “habitable zone”, something of a Goldilocks region that is neither so hot that water boils away nor so cold that it all freezes into ice. We need liquid water, a rocky surface, and an atmosphere that can provide the pressure needed to maintain water as a liquid.

You’ll note from the diagram that larger and hotter stars will have habitable zones farther away from the star, while smaller and dimmer stars require planets to huddle close for sufficient warmth.
But of course there are other factors. The largest and hottest stars are also the shortest-lived. Our star Sol is midway between the largest and the smallest stars; it is roughly 5 billion years old, with another 5 billion to go before it exhausts its nuclear fuel. The largest stars last only 5-10 million years. That’s a long time for humans, but a mere eyeblink in the history of the universe.

No one knows exactly how or when life arose on Earth from inanimate matter, but it seems that happened about a billion years after the planet’s formation. Another three billion years passed before life moved from single cells to multicellular organisms. And the kinds of brains that can build spacecraft and telescopes capable of detecting exoplanets are very recent developments.

The immediate conclusion would seem to be that our best bet for finding worlds where not only are the conditions favorable for the emergence of life, but where those conditions existed for long stretches of geologic time. Sun-like stars and stars smaller and cooler than the sun, in other words. There are far more of these smaller stars than larger ones.

What makes a planet potentially habitable?

Once again, there are complicating factors! The habitable zone of the smaller stars is so close to the star that tidal locking of any planet orbiting there is almost certain.

With one side constantly facing the star and the other facing away into interstellar space, there would be extreme temperature differences between the two hemispheres. These stars are also quite variable in their luminosity, and subject to violent flares. Imagine the heating and cooling system in your house cycling unpredictably between Phoenix in July and Helsinki in January!

Detecting an Earth-like planet around a Sun-like star is difficult for any number of reasons, and will remain so for some years to come. And we are only barely able to determine whether a planet might be habitable, not whether it actually harbors life. Nonetheless, there are some candidates. With somewhere between 100 and 400 billion stars and at least an equal number of planets in our own Milky Way galaxy, it’s hard to imagine that they are all devoid of any form of life.

There is a long list of potentially habitable planets that you can find here. Note that exoplanets are named with the name of the star followed by b for the first planet discovered orbiting that star, c for the second, and so on.

Let me just highlight one planet and one planetary system of particular interest.

Proxima Centauri b is an Earth-size planet that orbits the star that is nearest to us, only 4.2 light years away. The star is a small and cool red dwarf, orbiting the other two larger and brighter stars of this triple system at some distance. The habitable zone in which the planet resides is very close to the star. Orbiting only 4.5 million miles away (Mercury orbits our sun at a distance of 29 million miles at its closest), it is almost certainly tidally locked. And Proxima Centauri is a flare star, emitting powerful radiation that could well strip off any atmosphere the planet might possess. Still…it’s close!×499.jpg

Trappist-1 is a very small and cool star 41 light years away. It turns out to have seven planets! Three of these are in the habitable zone.


The Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024

A little over a month away now! Rather than write a lengthy post, I’m just going to address the main questions people usually have.

The sun is going to be 90% obscured at my home. Is it worth traveling to the path of totality?

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! Unless you have witnessed it, you cannot imagine what an awe-inspiring sight this is. Just as no picture of the Grand Canyon can do it proper justice, no video or photograph of a total solar eclipse can convey what it is like to gaze at a black hole in the sky where the sun shone an hour before. As one wit remarked, “Seeing a partial solar eclipse and saying you’ve seen an eclipse is like standing outside an opera house and saying you’ve seen an opera.” But unless you have already made arrangements, you’d better go a day early and plan to sleep in your car.

Where will I be able to see a total eclipse?

The best interactive map I have found is here.  The times on the map are given in UT (Universal Time), which is four hours ahead of EDT (Eastern Daylight Time), five hours ahead of Central Daylight Time, etc.

Will I see the same thing anywhere within that dark shadow?

The closer you are to the center line of the path of totality, the longer the period of totality. That time is roughly four and a half minutes. Which will seem like ten seconds.

When is it safe to look directly at the sun?

During totality, the sun’s surface is completely obscured by the moon, and it is perfectly safe to look directly at it. The few seconds immediately before and immediately after totality will allow you to witness the “diamond ring” effect, as the last visible portion of the sun’s surface peeks through lunar mountain ranges at the edge of the moon’s disc.

The sun is nearing a peak of activity, which means its ghostly outer atmosphere, the corona, may be especially prominent. than those few seconds before and after totality, and during totality itself, you need special eclipse glasses to safely look at the partial phases.

What else can I expect before and during totality?

NASA has you covered.


The First Stars

Standing under a starry sky on Earth, the variety we see among those distant points of light is mostly limited to their brightness. If we peer closely, we can see some color variation as well. In the winter constellation of Orion, the diagonally opposed Betelgeuse and Rigel are well known for their reddish and bluish colors respectively.

There are many, many ways to classify stars, but we are going to look here at one of the simplest, one that separates stars into categories based on their chemical composition.

Stars that have not reached the end of their lives are mostly composed of hydrogen and secondarily of helium. Everything else is in much smaller proportions. Indeed, most of the universe’s “ordinary” matter, the sort of which you and I are made, is hydrogen and helium.×683.png

In the universe’s earliest days, there was essentially ONLY hydrogen and helium. Heavier elements were created in the interior of stars, and spewed out into the interstellar medium when those stars died violently.

At this point you should know something that still makes this chemist turned sort-of-astronomer shudder a bit. Astronomers call any element heavier than helium (hydrogen and helium are the two lightest elements) a metal. Metal has a specific meaning to a chemist, and it’s one you would recognize. You would call iron a metal. I doubt that you would call oxygen a metal.

But to an astronomer, oxygen and all 116 known elements other than the two lightest—they are all metals. Give this chemist a moment to compose himself while you ponder this “astronomer’s periodic chart.” Out of any representative collection of 1000 atoms in the universe, this is how many there would be of each of the elements shown. The gray squares? Too small to be significant except perhaps to humans who value their gold jewelry.

So here is the classification scheme. Stars fall into one of three classes based on their metallicity—the proportion of (astronomically defined) metals they contain.

Population I 1 — 3% Younger, e.g. 5 billion years
Population II < 0.1% Older, 10 billion years or more
Population III zero Universe’s very first stars

Five billion years probably doesn’t sound young, but our Sun is the progeny of many generations of stars before it. Its relatively high metallicity (about 1.2% by mass) is the result of large and short-lived stars generating those heavier elements and dispersing them into the interstellar medium out of which the Sun formed.

Older stars had fewer previous generations to enrich their birth material, and therefore have fewer of those heavy elements.

We observe both Population I and Population II stars in our own galaxy. The older Population II stars tend to be in the outer regions where star formation is no longer taking place, outside of the plane of the galaxy. Inside the plane, there is still the gas and dust available from which new stars can be birthed.

What of Population III stars? Therein lies an ongoing quest.

Stars composed solely of hydrogen and helium can only have formed in the first few million years after the Big Bang. And how do we see stars from this epoch in the universe’s history?

Because of the finite speed of light, the farther out into space we look, the farther back in time we see. Our view of the Sun is a little over eight minutes old—the Sun as it was eight minutes ago. The bright star Sirius is 8.6 light years away, meaning that we see Sirius as it was 8.6 years ago.

But neither our Sun nor Sirius is likely to have changed much in those relatively short periods of time. Looking much farther out with increasingly powerful instruments shows us stars as they were many BILLIONS of years ago, stars that have long since burned through their nuclear fuel and either died quietly or in some of the universe’s most violent events. And because of the expansion of the universe, the light from those stars has been “stretched”, so that they appear only in infrared wavelengths that were invisible to the Hubble Space Telescope.

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is optimized to gather the faintest infrared light from the most distant stars and galaxies. The earliest confirmed date for a galaxy seen by JWST is one from 320 million years after the Big Bang. Even at this early date, astronomers have seen galaxies that are surprisingly well organized, even some that apparently show the spiral shapes we see in our galactic neighborhood.

Below is the spiral galaxy M77, 47 million light years away.

And here are some of the galaxies discovered by JWST, showing far greater diversity in shapes than expected. Given the vast distances, 13 billion light years or more, the detail is understandably less than for M77.

Does analysis of the starlight from these early galaxies reveal the presence of those first stars, Population III stars with zero metallicity? Not yet—the quest continues. But these are early days for JWST. With a near-perfect launch, its projected lifetime is 20 years. More and more exciting results are sure to come.

A Consequential Star

What is the most important star in the universe? For us here on Earth, that is clearly Sol, the Sun, our own personal star. Without its warmth and light, life on Earth would not be possible.

But what star—a single star—is most responsible for altering and expanding our concept of the universe? That would be an inconspicuous star invisible to the naked eye in the Andromeda Galaxy with the rather pedestrian name of M31-V1. The Andromeda Galaxy is also known as M31, and this star is a variable, one whose brightness changes in a regular pattern. Hence the V.

One hundred years ago, the world’s most powerful telescope was the 100-inch Hooker Telescope atop Mount Wilson in California. Making use of it to study what were then known as “spiral nebulae” was a young astronomer named Edwin Hubble.×753+0+0/resize/1760×1432!/format/webp/quality/90/?

In 1923, most astronomers believed that the Milky Way was the whole of the universe, and that the spiral nebulae, whatever they might be, were contained within it. Another view was that these were “island universes”, separate independent galaxies.

Fifteen years earlier, working at the Harvard College Observatory, Henrietta Leavitt had discovered a vital tool for measuring astronomical distances that is still in use today. A particular class of stars, Cepheid variables, pulsate in regular patterns, brightening and dimming with predictable timing. For example, the light curve for Delta Cephei has a period of 5.4 days.

Her pivotal discovery was that the longer the period of the variable, the more luminous it was. If you could measure the period, you could determine the luminosity (the actual light output). From its measured brightness (how much light reached us), you could determine the distance. This remains a foundational tool for astronomers today.

The reason some believed that spiral nebulae like Andromeda lay outside the Milky Way was the dimness of another kind of variable star, a nova. Those found in Andromeda were very much more dim than ones in the Milky Way, hinting at their far greater distance. And Hubble was looking for those with his new telescope, the largest in the world at the time.

The moment of discovery:

A century ago, astronomical images were photographs taken on glass plate emulsions. This is a negative image; it is far easier to see detail in black on white than in the reverse. In this image of Andromeda, a star Hubble initially identified as a nova has shown the characteristic light curve of a Cepheid variable. Using Leavitt’s period-luminosity relationship, Hubble determined its distance to be 900,000 light years—far beyond the Milky Way. Improved measurements have found the distance to be 2.5 million light years, but Hubble had shown that Andromeda, and in short order other nebulae, were in fact independent galaxies.

And what of that star? In homage to its namesake, the Hubble Space Telescope imaged that area of Andromeda, in the outskirts of its visible structure.

M31-V1 doesn’t look like much at this great distance. But in terms of what it taught us about the universe, it would be hard to overstate its importance.

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A Crater, a Rocket Designer, and a Sci-Fi TV Show


Korolev Crater on Mars is located in the far north of that planet, in the low plains that surround the northern polar regions. Its site is marked by a red star at the upper left of the topographic map below.

The colors here represent elevation above or below the mean, and blue areas are well below that mean. Mars’s northern plains are thought to be the site of a water ocean that covered the area early in its history.

What makes Korolev Crater special? Take a look.

That is water ice filling the crater. Lots of ice. 530 cubic miles, 584 trillion gallons. Water is of course the essential ingredient for life as we know it. If humans are ever to inhabit Mars, water will supply the needs of both people and rockets. Water can be split into its component element, hydrogen and oxygen—rocket fuel.

Korolev’s location is key to why it, and not other craters, is filled with ice. Mars is a cold place but its polar regions, just as on Earth, are colder still. Further, “the ice is permanently stable because the crater acts as a natural cold trap. The thin Martian air above the crater ice is colder than air surrounding the crater; the colder local atmosphere is also heavier so it sinks to form a protective layer, insulating the ice, shielding it from melting and evaporation. Recent research indicates that the ice deposit formed in place within the crater and was not previously part of a once-larger polar ice sheet. The ice in the crater is part of the vast water resources at the poles of the planet.” []

There is also a Korolev Crater on the far side of the moon that is most definitely NOT filled with water ice.


Sergei Korolev was a Soviet rocket engineer and spacecraft designer, the man who designed the rockets and spacecraft that sent Soviet cosmonauts to all the space firsts they established in the early 1960s. Unknown even to some of the Soviet cosmonauts and certainly to the West as anything other than Chief Designer (due to fears for his life during the Cold War), his identity was revealed only after his untimely death in 1966.

Korolev on a 1969 Soviet stamp

Korolev was imprisoned during the Stalin years, and his health suffered as a result. Despite his doctor’s orders that he not work so intensely, he continued to do so. He died in January 1966 during surgery, the details of which still remain obscure.

The Soviet lunar program suffered as a result. They never had a single agency like NASA leading their program; there were competing groups who just couldn’t pull off the technical feats necessary to send people to the moon.


I have been a big fan of the alternate history TV series For All Mankind. According to its creator, the divergence point of its alternate timeline is that Korolev survives, and that Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, not American astronaut Neil Armstrong, is the first person to walk on the moon.

A crater on the moon, a crater on Mars, a TV show based on his survival being a turning point in history—all this is testament to the importance of a man who was mostly unknown during his lifetime.


