Year: 2023

The Demotion of Pluto

Poor Pluto! It used to be a planet, and now it’s not. The underdog of the solar system is championed by fourth graders and Boomer traditionalists alike. When I give talks on astronomy, one of the most common questions I

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Meteors and the Earth

Meteor showers both are—and are not—among the most predictable of astronomical events. The Lyrid meteor shower is predicted to peak at 9:06 p.m. EDT on the night of April 22nd. Why are they predictable? Meteor showers occur when the Earth

All Types of Solar Eclipses

In August of 2017, many of us in North America witnessed a total solar eclipse, as the path of the moon’s shadow crossed the contiguous United States from coast to coast. In the coming twelve months, there will be three


On Monday, March 20, 2023 at 5:24 p.m. EDT (21:24 UTC), the sun will cross the equator heading north, signaling the start of spring in the northern hemisphere and fall in the southern hemisphere. Really? The sun only APPEARS to

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Clocks and Calendars on Other Worlds

What time is it on the moon? You may have read that the European Space Agency is proposing that an international organization be responsible for setting and maintaining lunar time. Why might that be necessary? And what’s wrong with good

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Moon Phases and Earth’s Shadow

Quick! Why does the moon go through phases every month? If you answered that it’s because the Earth’s shadow falls on the moon, be sure the volume on your device is turned on before you click below.   Back you

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